Chief Justice Awards for Judicial Excellence

Photo of Judge Munyon

Chief Judge Lisa T. Munyon

The Chief Justice Awards for Judicial Excellence, established in 2015, recognize one county court judge and one circuit judge who demonstrate exceptional commitment to the judicial branch and who personify judicial excellence, embodying qualities such as strength of character, integrity, fairness, open-mindedness, knowledge of the law, sound judgment, professional ethics, intellectual courage, compassion, and decisiveness. Presented annually (except for 2020, when they were deferred because of the pandemic), these prestigious awards are bestowed at the annual education programs or annual business meetings for each level of the trial court.

Judge Lisa T. Munyon, Ninth Judicial Circuit, Receives the 2021 Chief Justice Award for Judicial Excellence

On the bench of the Ninth Judicial Circuit since 2003, Judge Lisa T. Munyon “has demonstrated commitment to the Florida judicial branch that is both exceptional in its reach as well as exceptional in the amount of time she has devoted to branch improvements,” declared the judge who nominated her for the Chief Justice Award for Judicial Excellence. The nomination letter and letters of support extolled Judge Munyon for being “unfailingly fair” and “universally respected for her knowledge and integrity,” and they emphasized that “her character, integrity, knowledge and sound judgement, ethics, intellectual courage, and compassion are beyond reproach.”  In particular, they singled her out for her exemplary qualities as a judge; her exceptional dedication to the judicial branch; and her outstanding leadership chairing some of the most challenging supreme court committees. Judge Munyon, they agreed, embodies “all the qualities that form the basis of the excellence awards.”

Letter writers enumerated the many virtues that constitute Judge Munyon’s excellence as a judge. Wrote one, “I have not known any other judge who is as smart and knowledgeable as Judge Munyon, and few other judges have done so much for their local circuit. In our legal community and across the state, Judge Munyon is acknowledged and recognized for her intellectual prowess, her fairness, and the excellence she brings to the bench. She is unfailingly prepared for court, having read the applicable pleadings and being completely ready for the legal argument before her. She listens with an open mind, and she rules promptly, often taking the time to write lengthy opinions to explain the bases for her rulings on a complex or unique legal matter.” Added another, “Judge Munyon is quite simply an outstanding judge. She has served on the Ninth Judicial Circuit with fairness, integrity, and efficiency for many years, including service in some challenging and complex judicial assignments. She is widely respected by her colleagues on the bench, as well as the practicing bar.”

Nomination and support letters also praised Judge Munyon for the diverse ways she evinces her commitment to the branch. One wrote of “her dedication to our state court system at every level. Judge Munyon teaches, chairs, and leads so many judges throughout the state that her impact is beyond compare. Having had the honor of participating on committees with her leadership, I know firsthand the exemplary work she does herself and requires of others. She attends every meeting with a full understanding of what her charge is and how she is going to accomplish the task at hand. She does all of this with humility and hard work.” Said another,

“Judge Munyon is always tapped, and always says yes, to speak on various civil, criminal, and family topics for our local bar association, as well as for other organizations. I love to be a speaker with Judge Munyon because I know that she will be well-prepared, knowledgeable, and—if someone asks a really hard question—Judge Munyon will know the answer. She is that kind of judge. Not just hard working, not just smart, not just caring, but completely prepared for whatever is before her. Frankly, she is the best.”

In her 18 years on the bench, Judge Munyon has been called upon to serve on, and chair, many supreme court committees, but letter writers especially accentuate her steady, thoughtful leadership of two especially demanding ones: the Florida Courts Technology Commission (FCTC), which she has chaired since 2012, and the Workgroup on the Continuity of Court Operations and Proceedings During and After COVID-19.

Of the FCTC, letter writers lauded Judge Munyon’s excellent job in leading the commission, which they described as a “massive undertaking.” As one explained, “By its very design, the 25-member FCTC and its 14 subcommittees and workgroups incorporate nearly all constituencies of and stakeholders in the courts. Judge Munyon wields an unmatched tact in coordinating differing points of view and sometimes diverging interests among FCTC members. Additionally, during quarterly two-day business meetings around the state, members of the public, multiple agency representatives, court personnel, and private vendors appear to provide input and ask questions. Through it all, Judge Munyon employs her seasoned skills to effectively adhere to a complex and dense agenda.” Added another, Judge Munyon “is a true leader. She has the ability to work through long and complicated meeting agendas. She directs participants in a polite and kind way assigning tasks, addressing concerns, and preparing for future meetings. These meetings with technically brilliant minds are challenging, but Judge Munyon leads the charge implementing numerous innovations for the court. The meetings are open to the public, where she is a superb representative, acting with speed, brilliance, and the appropriate demeanor.”

The FCTC has made stellar progress under Judge Munyon’s guidance, letter writers noted. “Not only has the commission, under her leadership, developed the recommendations for the statewide e-Portal, electronic access to court records, and statewide standards for software to access files and serve orders, but Judge Munyon has forged new relationships with the leadership of the clerk’s association to work collaboratively on the implementation of changes that benefit the branch and each judge who serves in the trial courts of the state. Under her leadership, court records and the filing of pleadings by parties are more accessible and user friendly.”  Added another, “She is an able and affable leader, and her efforts in support of developing and deploying technology solutions to the judicial branch have resulted in greater efficiencies and cost savings that benefit lawyers, judges, clerks, staff, litigants, and other persons involved in the court system, with the ultimate goal of justice for the people of Florida. Florida leads the nation in pioneering new models for service delivery using technology-based solutions, and Judge Munyon ably manages members, committees, and staff in support of this mission.”  Offered another, “The FCTC has operated during her tenure as a model for the effectiveness of collaborative government. I suggest this is largely because of her stewardship.”

Judge Munyon has demonstrated equally impressive leadership skills as chair of the Workgroup on the Continuity of Court Operations and Proceedings During and After COVID-19, established by the supreme court in April 2020 to recommend guidelines for a safe, staged return to court operations during and after the pandemic. “Judge Munyon was the perfect leader for this team,” said one letter writer: “She led with integrity, open-mindedness, and fairness. Many of our decisions were difficult ones to make. Judge Munyon was an example of courage and understanding during this trying time for our court system as a whole.” Wrote another, “When the chief justice sought a professional, organized, well-respected leader to rapidly and effectively identify a plan and forge a path for the court system to deal with the continuation of all court operations and proceedings around the state in light of the Covid pandemic, he chose Judge Munyon….She and her workgroup quickly developed meaningful standards and benchmarks for courts to use that were logical, objective, medically sound, and universally applicable to the various courts throughout the state.”

No doubt due to Judge Munyon’s extraordinary tapestry of strengths, she was “unanimously elected by her peers to serve as chief judge of the Ninth Judicial Circuit,” noted the nomination letter. “She is the first woman elected to this position in our circuit. Her election as chief judge is a testament to her character, her integrity, and the high regard in which those who know her best hold her. Judge Munyon has always been relied upon by her colleagues in the Ninth as a problem-solver, a wise counselor, an ethical advisor, and a compassionate listener. She will apply all of her wisdom, her fairness, and her prodigious work ethic to this job as well.”

By Beth C. Schwartz, Court Publications Writer
Last Modified: July 19, 2021